June 22 2024 in Waterloo, IL

Please do your best to not make this a your kid and friends only and choose the most deserving players.   Each division has a different amount of kids per team. Please check below and see how many kids your team should be bringing to represent your town.  Please make sure you have enough kids there as if you do not bring your kids then the game may not be able to be played.   There will be t shirts for sale when you arrive if you are interested in buying them.  They will have adult and kid sizes.


How Many Players Should my team send to the All-Star Game?


Email your All Star game players to: columbiaathleticassoc@gmail.com

Atoms North Game


field 3

AE North vs AW North

Atom South Game


field 3

AE South vs AW South

Bantam Game


field 5

Bantam East vs Bantam West

Midget Game


field 5 

Midget North vs Midget South

Petite Game


field 1 

Petite East vs Petite West

Chic Game


field 2

Chic East vs Chic West

Robin Game

field 2 
Robin North vs Robin South